WordPress Hacks

As a WordPress developer, it’s important to say up-to-date on the latest hacks and shortcuts to ensure work efficiency. The alternative is you will forget how you solved a problem 6 months ago, and now you are again, Googling and Youtubing, searching for that answer.

This article will discuss some of the top WordPress hacks and shortcuts that every developer should know. By staying informed and using these tools, you can improve the efficiency of your WordPress work.

  • Change the Admin Email. Need help getting the notification email? To much trouble logging into C Panel? Follow these steps:
    1. Type this URL into the search bar, “yourwebsitename.com/wp-admin/options.php
    2. Locate “admin” and change to the desired email address. Now you can scroll down and save the changes.
  • Option two: Change Admin Email
    1. Install an app, Change Amin Email by John Dee
    2. Go to Settings> General > Administration Email Address – Now change the email address > Save changes
    3. Remove App


  • George Laczko

    George Laczko, a Canadian entrepreneur, excels in legal services, online marketing, consulting, and tech. His innovative approach drives business growth and efficiency.